Supplemental Insurance
Supplemental insurance products, also known as voluntary benefits or ancillary insurance, are additional insurance policies that provide coverage for specific health-related expenses or events not typically covered by primary health insurance. These products can help individuals and families manage out-of-pocket costs and provide financial support in situations where traditional health insurance might fall short.
Click "Get Prices" below to run your own rates and apply for coverage for any of the following products:
- 24-Hour Accident Insurance
- Accident Insurance
- Affordable Choice
- Cancer Care Plus
- Cancer First Occurrence
- Cancer Heart Attack and Stroke(SLAC)
- Cancer Heart Attack and Stroke(MAC)
- Critical Protection and Recovery
- Dental/Vision/Hearing Insurance
- DVH Select
- First Choice Blue Ribbon Series
- Home Health Care(SLAC)
- Home Health Care(MAC)
- Home Health Care Select(MAC)
- Out-Of-Pocket Protection Plan
- Short Term Care
Supplemental insurance products are designed to complement traditional health insurance and provide coverage for specific situations that might not be fully addressed by primary coverage. When considering supplemental insurance, it's essential to assess your individual needs, existing health insurance coverage, and potential financial risks. Make sure to carefully review policy details, coverage limits, and exclusions before making a decision.